Imaginative Play

Kitchen/grocery store "House" and Dress up Clothes Dollhouse Trains and cars Child-invented games and stories


Painting Crayons, colored pencils, chalk, markers and stencils Play dough Stamps and ink pads Collages (scissors and glue)


Songs Instruments Recorded music: Children's Artists, World Beat, Folk, and Lullabies


Blocks Sorting activities Sequencing activities Pattern activities Parquet board Measuring tools Numbers introduction Counting games


Cooking Gardening Rock and shell collection Animal figures Nature table Bugs Weather observations Science books Water play Sand box Mud pies Hands on exploration and experiments

Storytelling and Literacy

Books Making our own books Journals Chalkboards Introduction to letters

Gross Motor Skills

Yoga Tumbling Balance beam Climbing structure Bikes: push and pedal Balls and hoops Twister rope swing Dance Neighborhood walks Exercise games Lots of room and time to run!

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Fine Motor Skills

Lace shoes, snaps, buttons Puzzles Drawing Pre-writing Finger plays Fine motor exercises (e.g., chopsticks, tweezers, etc.)